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House LoveHouse Love
House Love

House Love


In the follow-up to his beloved Laundry Love, Patric Richardson is back to help readers find even more joy in another dreaded chore: cleaning house.

Patric Richardson is known as “The Laundry Evangelist,” “The Laundry Guy,” and even the “Ina Garten of Laundry,” but his genuine love for household chores extends far beyond the laundry room. His philosophy is simple: tidying up is a privilege and a task you do for those you love (including yourself), and there are a million ways to infuse joy into the everyday tasks behind maintaining a home.

House Love is his cheerful guide to freshening up every inch of the house—from the entryway to the attic, the backyard to the bedroom. Patric shares his best design inspiration, DIY projects, and of course cleaning tips, so readers can fall in love with their homes all over again.

This book not only invites readers to love the homes they’re in, but also grants them permission to shake things up. Keep bath salts in a cookie jar? Sure. Store kitchen utensils in a flowerpot? You bet. Plus, readers will devour surprising cleaning advice, like:

  • Which three cleaning tools are worth splurging on
  • How to put lemons to work as a powerful (and natural) cleaning agent
  • What to do with old, dried-up flowers

Complete with inspirational playlists, quotes, step-by-step instructions for last-minute cleans, and adorable illustrations, House Love brightens up life’s most common chores. With this book, readers will learn new and novel ways to transform and clean their homes, and Patric’s entertaining stories, good humor, and genuine warmth will guide them every step of the way.